
Shall We ダンス?

先週、日本語のクラスで「Shall We ダンス?」という映画を見た。面白かった!私の一番好きなキャラクターはかつらを被っている男の人だった。その人の名前をもう忘れちゃった...!

Last week, we watched the movie "Shall we Dance?" in Japanese class. It was really interesting! My favorite character was the guy who wore a wig, but I already forgot his name..!
Is it that strange in Japan for a businessman to like to dance? I wonder if guys feel that way in America and other countries, too. It's a shame, because dances like the Waltz are so pretty...
I hear there's an American remake of that movie, too, but I haven't seen it, so I can't compare them.
I want to see more Japanese movies! Does anyone have any Japanese movie recommendations?

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